What’s the cas number of Etocrilene?

The CAS number of Etocrilene is 5232-99-5.


Etocrilene UV-3035 is an organic compound that belongs to the family of acrylates. Etocrilene cas 5232-99-5 is a colorless liquid that has a strong odor and is insoluble in water. Etocrilene is primarily used in the manufacturing of coatings and adhesives, but it is also utilized in the formulation of nail polishes and other cosmetic products.


In the coatings and adhesives industry, UV-3035 cas 5232-99-5 is a valuable component in the production of UV-curable coatings and adhesives. These products are used in a wide range of applications such as automotive coatings, metal coatings, and wood coatings. UV-curable coatings and adhesives offer many advantages over traditional products, such as faster cure times and improved adhesion to substrates. These benefits make UV-curable coatings and adhesives a popular choice for many industrial applications.


In the cosmetic industry, UV-3035 cas 5232-99-5 is used as a key ingredient in nail polish formulations. It is added to nail polish to give it a glossy finish and make it more resistant to chipping and fading. Etocrilene is also used in other cosmetic products, such as hair sprays and perfumes.


Despite its many uses, UV-3035 is not without its drawbacks. It has been found to irritate the skin and eyes, and it may cause respiratory problems if inhaled. Additionally, it is considered a potentially harmful chemical and should be handled with care.


Overall, Etocrilene UV-3035 is a valuable compound that has found many applications in various industries. Its usefulness in UV-curable coatings and adhesives has made it an important ingredient in these products. Its ability to improve the performance of nail polish has also made it a popular additive in the cosmetic industry. While it is important to be aware of the potential hazards associated with Etocrilene, when handled properly, it can be used safely and effectively.


Post time: Feb-11-2024